To be completely transparent in my lack of recent uploads, my computer storage died and had all of my project files from the last ~2 years corrupted. Data recovery was attempted, but unsuccessful. Between the last couple years with multiple moves and a house purchase, career changes, and wedding planning, I unfortunately neglected to properly setup backups again.
I will likely upload what progress I had made as a compilation of demos of some kind. I render out almost every session I work on at every stage, and do have those mixes all backed up and available.
Project files >2 years old were also fortunately backed up, so I can revisit some long dormant projects and maybe clean those up.
Apologies to anyone who has been waiting for new material to come out. I've held onto these unfinished tracks / demos and can start releasing more soon (fortunately, it seems there was already some interest to head in this direction anyway). I've already started to here on newgrounds, other platforms soon to follow.
I'll have some more time very soon after the wedding and our mini-honeymoon to get on top of this again. Also have made sure that I do have backups properly set up so hopefully this scenario won't happen again.